Cem plus - Powder supplement for strengthening the muscles - Viozoiki Equitation

ID: 1126

Code: TEC-0013

Price: 51.50€

Product Description

Cem plus by Equi­planet

Com­ple­men­tary food for horses based on cre­a­tine

CEM PLUS is for all the pe­riod of train­ing and com­pe­ti­tion be­cause it favours the cor­rect use of the en­er­getic source at the mus­cu­lar level.

Cre­a­tine is con­sid­ered an en­ergy sub­strate, es­sen­tial for mus­cle con­trac­tion. It is con­sid­ered an "er­gogenic" sub­stance, i.e. a sub­stance that pro­duces en­ergy as it trans­forms.

CEM PLUS based on Pure Mono­hy­drate Cre­a­tine that is nat­u­rally con­tained in the body, and it is de­posited in mus­cle cells. The im­por­tance of cre­a­tine is that it can be com­bined with a phos­phate group, (= phos­pho­cre­a­tine), a high-en­ergy mol­e­cule that par­tic­i­pate to the syn­the­sis of ATP. Cem Plus in the long pe­riod ad­min­is­tra­tion, in­crease mus­cle vol­ume.


Cre­a­tine mono­hy­drate 90%.
Vi­t­a­min C 10%.
Com­plete com­po­si­tion: see la­bel.


1 scoop = 20 g.
Adult horses: 40 g per day.
Com­pe­ti­tion: 40 g twice a day for 6 days.
To in­crease mus­cle vol­ume: 20 g per day for at least 60 days.

Printed in 15/05/2024
From the web page Viozoiki Equitation