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Veredus Magnetic boots 4-hours (rear) - Viozoiki Equitation

ID: 2682

Code: VER-0094

Price: 280.00€

Product Description

Mag­netic boots 4-hours by Vere­dus

Ther­a­peu­tic de­vice with 40 neodymium mag­nets that de­velop a power of 2400­Gauss each, dis­trib­uted at the flexor and ex­ten­sor ten­dons, fet­lock and bulbs.

Made with a breath­able "Aerox" ma­te­r­ial, lined and trimmed in Ly­cra, it guar­an­tees the op­ti­mum tem­per­a­ture of the leg, thereby re­duc­ing over­heat­ing of the ten­don sys­tem.
•    Re­duces pain and  swelling.
•    Stim­u­lates the flow of blood.
•    Speeds up the elim­i­na­tion of tox­ins.
•    Speeds up the re­gen­er­a­tive processes.
Pre­pares mus­cles and ten­dons to the ef­fort.

Printed in 17/05/2024
From the web page Viozoiki Equitation