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Allergyfluid - Liquid Supplement for horses with allergies - Viozoiki Equitation

ID: 2789

Code: TEC-0066

Price: 49.00€

Product Description

Allergyfluid by Equiplanet

Composition: Glycerol, Magnesium acetate, Products from the processing of dried plants (Valeriana offi cinalis, Melissa offi cinalis, Tilia cordata, Passifl ora edulis), Sucrose.

Instructions for use: Mix carefully in the complete feed in the reason of the 0,5% as a supplement to specifi c treatment of lively subjects. Ensure the following daily doses for the time required: Adult horses: 80 ml/head/day for 5 days included the competition day, for lively horses 50 g/head/day for the required time. Foals: 50 ml/head/day for the required time to reduce training stress.

Indications for use: To improve attention deficit and decrease hyperactivity in lively subjects; to limit the stress and their negative effects in the case of transport, races, training.

Additives per Lt:
Preservatives: E236 Formic Acid - E280 Propionic acid
Analitical components: Humidity 96,00% - Raw Protein 0,00% - Raw fats and oils 0,00% - Raw cellulose 0,00% Raw ash 0,00% - Sodium 0,00%


Printed in 17/05/2024
From the web page Viozoiki Equitation